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Beitrag vom 15.03.2024 - 10:43 Uhr
User (1 Beiträge)
Liebe Aero Community,

für die folgende Studie werden Flugbegleiterinnen und Flugbegleiter gesucht, die Interesse haben an einer 15-minütigen Online Befragung zum Thema mindfulness, stress und mentalem Wohlbefinden teilzunehmen. Die Befragung findet auf Englisch statt und ist Teil einer Master Thesis an der britischen Northumbria University. Anbei weitere Infos und der Studienlink.

Wir würden uns sehr über deine Teilnahme freuen!

Danke und beste Grüsse,
Vanessa Ax

Navigating Turbulence: The relationship between mindfulness, stress and well-being in cabin crew.

This study aims to explore the relationship between mindfulness, work-related stress, and mental well-being in cabin crew. Our understanding of these connections will be helpful to inform the development of crew training programs and appropriate working conditions for cabin crew to enhance employee well-being and safety.

What’s involved?

Participants will complete an online survey including a demographic questionnaire and mindfulness, work-related stress and mental well-being questionnaires. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

What’s the advantage of taking part?

Cabin crew are unfortunately underrepresented in scientific studies. By taking part you will help further the scientific knowledge of factors that influence the well-being of cabin crew.
This study has been granted ethical approval from the Northumbria University Ethics Committee.
You are assured complete anonymity of the data gathered.

Taking part!

Are you:
• Working as flight attendant for a minimum of 12 months?
• Minimum 18 years of age?
• Speaking English?
• Able to spare 15-20 minutes to complete the online survey on an internet-enabled device?

Want to take part in the study?

Please follow the link below to take part until April 5th, 2024:

Want to know more?

For further information about the research, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me via e-mail: