Community / Kommentare zu aktuellen Nachrichten / Boeing führt erste Rolltests mit 78...

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Beitrag vom 08.07.2009 - 13:59 Uhr
User (119 Beiträge)
With credible reports emerging that there could be another massive delay looming for the 787 (up to 18 months) and with a significant structural redesign currently underway, I get the feeling Boeing is still listening too much to their spindoctors who might have had a worrying look at the calendar at the wall and have seen that today is exactly 2 years after the notorious potemkin roll out event of 7/8/7....
And here is the silent Vid.
Beitrag vom 08.07.2009 - 14:10 Uhr
User (375 Beiträge)
@LAWolf2008 Vor dem Hintergrund, dass sie aufgrund einer ihnen zugänglichen Quelle weit vor allen anderen die erneute Verschiebung des Erstfluges der B-787 im Juni vorhergesagt haben, stimmt mich der obige Beitrag, nicht besonders hoffnungsvoll, dass diese bald fliegt.
Beitrag vom 08.07.2009 - 18:47 Uhr
User (119 Beiträge)
What better way to try to get at least some positive reports out in the media on a day like this than by being able to present at least some visual progress in the form of these taxy trials on the day before?

Let's face it, there's just too much coincidence in them timed the way they were, especially as they're not in a hurry: there won't be a 787 in the air before this autumn at best; the fact it is done really gives away the fact Boeing still hasn't turned the page, hasn't changed mentality and is still trying to cook the reports.

Very worrying things indeed from a company that rolled out a new plane and then had to announce it was nothing but a sort of mock up a few weeks later, or said the 787 would fly in the next few days at this year's Paris Airshow only to admit it wasn't remotely airworthy a few days later... Yep, first taxy trials yesterday: seems like Boeing is right on schedule to announce another massive delay on the 22nd of July!
