Community / Kommentare zu aktuellen Nachrichten / EASA erteilt Automatikmodus im A380-...

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Beitrag vom 21.08.2009 - 20:01 Uhr
User (185 Beiträge)
Das ist doch mal was , weiss jemand mehr darüber ?
Beitrag vom 21.08.2009 - 22:33 Uhr
User (111 Beiträge)
[quote]weiss jemand mehr darüber ? [/quote]

Ja, mit Sicherheit SDFlight !

Aber ein paar Idioten haben fachkundiges Personal hier rausgeekelt.

Ich weiss leider nichts drüber - aber nach der Kollision im Süden Deutschlands, war es wohl ein nötiger Schritt der Designabteilung - und wenn solch grosse Airliner dies haben wollen, war dies wohl auch die richtige Entscheidung.

@NOK - bin gerad im Urlaub, und deswegen kein "PS" :)
Beitrag vom 21.08.2009 - 22:53 Uhr
User (211 Beiträge)
[quote]AP/FD TCAS operation overview
The new AP/FD TCAS mode essentially completes the existing TCAS functionality by implementing a TCAS vertical guidance feature into the Auto Flight computer. The result is that now the Auto Flight computer can control the vertical speed of the aircraft which is adapted to each resolution advisory acquired from TCAS.

Moreover, with this new AP/FD TCAS mode activated, when a TCAS "Resolution Advisory" (RA) is received, the pilot no longer needs to disengage the autopilot or Flight Director before conducting the TCAS manoeuvres. Rather, the autopilot can now automatically conduct the correct TCAS manoeuvre, to position the aircraft clear of any potential traffic conflict.

Furthermore, in the case of the pilot flying the aircraft manually (i.e. without autopilot engaged) when a RA is received, previously the Flight Director 'pitch bar guidance' - indicated on the Primary Flight Display - had to be switched off, but with the new mode, the Flight Director bars remain active and smoothly guide pilot to fly the TCAS manoeuvre. At any time, the crew still retains the ability to override the proposed manoeuvre, so as to respond manually to a TCAS RA by flying according to "conventional" TCAS procedures, i.e. manually controlling the vertical speed by referring to TCAS indications on the pilot's vertical speed scale.

* Background to TCAS - Editors' note:
The 'Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System' - known as 'TCAS' - is designed to scan for, detect, and interrogate the transponders of other aircraft in the nearby airspace vicinity. It then uses the received transponder signals to compute a distance, bearing and altitude relative to the nearby aircraft. The evaluated traffic information is displayed as symbols on the Navigation Display. As TCAS checks the other aircraft%u2019s relative distance permanently in short-time intervals, it can, therefore, also calculate the other aircraft%u2019s closure rate relative to its own aircraft position. When TCAS detects that an aircraft's distance or closure rate becomes critical, it generates aural and visual annunciations for the pilots. Mandated on aircraft carrying more than 30 passengers since 1993, TCAS is now compulsory on all aircraft types.[/quote] Quelle: Airbus

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